Lifestyle Family Session: What to Expect

Considering booking a lifestyle family session but not sure what to expect? What makes a session “lifestyle”? Well, to me lifestyle sessions are more focused on capturing you and your family in ways that seem natural with a strong focus connections. In other words, we won’t be carefully placing everyone in stiff poses and saying “cheese!”. Does that mean we won’t get any shots of everyone looking and smiling? NO! I always try to get a few of these because let’s be real – we all love them for the annual Christmas card or a big huge print on the wall!

family of four smiling during fall

What it does mean is that I’ll ease you into those shots a little more naturally. How many of you with small children have tried to get them to stand still, look at the camera, and say cheese on command? How did that work out for you? If it’s not fun for them, they probably won’t do it. This is where the lifestyle part comes into play.

For families with very young kids, I tend to let the little ones lead. That means if little Micah refuses to let go of mommy, we’ll get some great shots of mommy and Micah playing and cuddling while he warms up. Then I might play some games or pull the whole family in and get shots of everyone smiling/playing/walking/laughing. Maybe we’ll spin Micah around if it makes him happy while everyone looks at him and laughs. Once he’s smiling, I’ll get everyone in to huddle close and get one of those happy looking-at-the-camera shots.

little girl sitting on her mom's lap and smiling at her

Lifestyle Sessions Make Things Simple

So why am I telling you all this? Simple – I want to take the stress out of your session. I want you to throw your expectations about your kids behavior during our session out the window! I know from personal experience on both sides of the camera that going into a session worried that your kids won’t cooperate and smile like you want them to is stressful! And when you are stressed, everyone feels it. So let go of those expectations and instead consider your hour with me a time to just be with your family. A time for fun and play. In fact, don’t be surprised if you actually spend very little time looking directly at me or the camera!

Mom and Dad snuggling with kids under blanket outside

This goes for in-home sessions too. Got an activity that you love to do together? Kids love the fun engagement from their parents and happy kids means great shots – both candid and posed! The best part about all of this is that it truly captures your family dynamics and your little one’s personality. You know that crinkly smily face your 2 year old just started making when she’s being silly? Or the way your 3-year old loves to sit in your lap? Or the big wet open-mouthed kisses your 10 month old just learned how to give? Let’s capture all of those things!

kids hugging mom's leg during lifestyle session

I think it’s important to note that if you have a shot you’re dying to try out, or a favorite family activity that you want to capture in your family lifestyle session, I’m all ears! I will absolutely do my best to make it happen for you. The best sessions are the ones where families let go, have fun, and focus on each other and what feels authentic to them.

Ready to book your lifestyle family session?